ISSUE 6Phyto-infused Skincare Melissa BothaThe Hemp Cream
Your phyto-infused skincare, with visible results

Did you know that the majority of small businesses, are inspired by passion and not motivated by money?
According to a Cox Business Survey quoted in The Business News Daily, only 8% of small businesses start purely to make big money.

Passion was certainly the case for owner and founder of The Hemp Cream. Melissa Botha, is mom to a very special boy, affected by a genetic disorder so rare, that he was only the 2nd diagnosis in South Africa.

With this syndrome, comes a heightened risk of cancer, and after much research into causes, cures, treatments, of which most are governed by the likes of the big pharmaceutical companies, Melissa wanted to create the best opportunity for her son to avoid getting any dreaded disease in the first place.

It was on this search for prevention methods, that Melissa began to investigate further into the medicinal use of the (at that stage) very controversial use of cannabis oil.

Before her son was affected by health risks with his diagnosis, Melissa says, “I always thought that those pushing for legalisation for medicinal use, just wanted an excuse to get high. It was only after my son was diagnosed, that the research, became real and personal. I devoured all the information I could find on the various cannabinoids within the vast range of strains there are worldwide. I learned about its effectiveness in treating not only cancer, but other serious health issues, including diabetes and high blood pressure. However, the more I learned, the more I realised how LITTLE I actually knew.” 
It was after learning about the vast reach of the natural plant oil, and its healing properties from within, that Melissa thought to try it on the largest organ of the human body. The skin!

Our Skin is the first line of defence we have against infection and disease. Given that these oils could have such dramatic effects on health, it was simply the next step for her to try it on the skin.

We didn’t want to just stir a few drops of this liquid gold into aqueous cream.

We wanted a product where the formulations WITHOUT the oils would be something to scream from the rooftops about.

We wanted RESULTS with or without the oil infusion.

And so, the research and hunt were on for the perfect formulations to create an effective, natural product, that could get results that would be visible in a matter of days.

The formulations worked perfectly the first time, and almost every time. They were tested with and without the phyto infusions, and both sets of results were great, but the photo infused results, spoke volumes. 
Melissa saw results the very first morning after applying the Night Repair Moisturiser the night before. Within 30 days, she looked like she’d had a mini face-lift, with the jowls line lifted and deep-set lines disappearing.

The beauty about our products is that we’ve managed to keep them as natural as possible, without all the chemicals that usually create quick results, but long-term damage. They are gentle, yet effective, with results usually visible within the very first week of use. 
The Hemp Cream… creating beauty from the gifts of natural infusions. Get "face-lift" results with The Hemp Cream and target fine lines and wrinkles, pigmentation, inflammation, acne, psoriasis, eczema and more. 
Results are usually visible within the first 7 days and you can even start with a Trial Kit first.
We have 6 options for you:
#1 R150
Basic Sample Kit
Includes both Day and Night Repair creams. Great for fine lines and wrinkles, pigmentation, inflammation, acne and more.
#2 R210
Basic Sample Kit & Skin / Foot Repair Balm
Originally formulated to fix cracked heels, renamed Skin Repair it’s great for acne, scarring, fever blisters / cold sores, itchy bites, open wounds, eczema, psoriasis and more.
#3 R230
Basic Sample Kit plus an Eye Cream sample
Great for fine lines and wrinkles, dark circles and puffiness.
#4 R290
Includes all 4 samplers (Day Repair, Night Repair, Skin Repair & Eye Cream Sample).
#5 R320
We have also just launched samples of our Night Serum for R320. It’s an intense nourishing treatment, penetrating deeply into the skin with concentrated ingredients.
Its rich in Omega 6 fatty acids which stimulate skin cell growth, helping to regenerate and restructure skin cells to keep your skin feeling supple and firm.
The oil can be effective at helping to repair skin damage and scars.
Its rich in antioxidants, vits A, C and E, reduces inflammation, its hydrating and tightening. 
#6 R780
Full Facial Trial Kit, it includes option #4 with all 4 trial creams / balms, option #5 with the Night Serum, plus the travel sized Cleanser and Toner.
To try our Cleanser & Toner, we have 50ml travel sizes available for R80 and R90 respectively.
Order online at or 083 67 888 19
e: melissa@thehempcream.comFb: @TheHempCream