ISSUE 6Cultivating the Right Connections JuicyFieldsSouth Africa has the potential to have the most progressive Cannabis legislation in the world!
We have many stakeholders that are and can be affected by this plant and their voices must be and have been heard.

Working with Fields of Green for All, The Cannabis Development Council of SA, (CDCSA), The Cannabis Trade Association (CTAA) and many other industry bodies, we feel that it is imperative that legislation be constructed so as to open trade and access to Cannabis in a responsible and fair way and as widely as possible. We realise that by working together with different entities throughout the industry and uniting our interest we can effect the change necessary for our local industries to thrive, not just nationally, but in the global arena.

We believe this begins with creating local opportunities for local growers to gain legal legitimacy and growth. JuicyFields allows anyone to become an e-grower and so participate in the Cannabis industry and economy. In addition, we partner with cultivators in lower cost regions, helping them to scale their facilities and enabling and empowering them to participate in the increasingly global nature of the Cannabis industry.
We are headline sponsors at leading Cannabis Expos in Europe, Latam area and Africa, where we educate attendees not only on our platform but also on the Cannabis plant and its benefits.
In addition, through our social media campaigns, strong online presence and many media appearances we are getting the message across that Cannabis is positive and we are helping to change the negative stigma associated with it.

The reason that Cannabis is Big Business is that it can be a boon on so many levels, we are just as passionate as our growers about getting the healing and freedom cannabis industry brings with it to the masses and this is why we drive cannabis education.

JuicyFields has brought foreign direct investment into the country by sponsoring the Cannabis Expo, investing in CannaYeza a local licensed cultivator and Canna Trade Africa. In addition our team recently made a donation to an orphanage in Cape Town during the recent expo. Medical Cannabis should be made available to all and JuicyFields is absolutely dedicated to helping to make this happen.

We are continuing to grow our brand awareness throughout the whole world, this year we attended our first conference in Asia, it's a huge market with a lot of potential. Even though the company is only 2 years old, we have high ambitions and strive to become amongst the top medical cannabis companies in the world.

If you’ve EVER wanted to get into this industry, NOW IS THE TIME. Help us to cultivate a strong Local Industry by checking us out today. 
Keep the South African Cannabis Industry in South African Hands and become an online grower today!

South Africa has the potential to have the most progressive Cannabis legislation in the world!