ISSUE 6Healing, As Nature Intended!Brett AustinThere is a significance that cannot be replicated when one is able to present a product which attributes its success, based purely on physical evidence.
Natural Elixir was founded as the result of personal experience, and from humble beginnings has grown into a successful business. Brett Austin founded the company 11 years ago and has dedicated himself to healthy living and healing ever since, through using plants and whole foods.

What transpired before the official opening of Natural Elixir serves to reaffirm the love and skill that goes into producing product of consistently high standards.
As Brett explained, “I was a DJ from the age of 15, and around this time began using a number of elicit substances associated with the dance scene."

By the time he reached 35, Brett was informed by his doctor that “he should get his affairs in order within the next 6 weeks”, he was dying.

The list of chemicals found in his blood tests was like nothing the pathology staff had ever seen. His weight tipping the scales at 157kg, and almost every vital life sustaining system within his body was on the verge of complete failure.
“I went home, and two very important things happened that day".
Brett never again went to a doctor, but instead began a search for the means to heal his body and mind. Although he had used a number of narcotics, by his own admittance preferred not to use medicines. The search for a means to heal his kidneys, liver, lungs and other organs soon proved fruitful as he realised that the only logical options lay with the plant and whole food approach to healing as nature intended.

Through hours of research, trial and error and using himself as a “test subject", Brett began to change his mind-set, and in turn integrated the healing abilities of natural foods into his life. What all of his efforts revealed was the incredible effect that simple whole foods like garlic, turmeric and mushrooms could make in curing what modern science has yet to explain. He proceeded to lose 67kg without unnatural and strict dieting. His metabolic systems regained the ability to function, and through consistently educating himself he proceeded to exceed the 6 week “do or die” timeframe that had changed his life in so many ways. 
His mom became very ill three years later and was hospitalised, this created a turning point for Brett and the formation of Natural Elixir. His family were told that she would not survive, as doctors seemingly gave up without considering a natural means of treatment. This was the first time all the whole foods and plants where combined as he produced a juice that would essentially save his mom, and again prove the effectiveness of what nature has given mankind.

He formed a deep-rooted passion and respect for the panacea we now know as Natural Elixir. A good friend soon encouraged Brett to sell his blend after using the product himself, and this gave him the incentive to enter the consumer market. Brett personally ensures a high level of quality and consistency from the various farmers who provide top quality organically grown produce. He and his team offer Natural Elixir Original, Natural Elixir light and also have a CBD infused variation.
There are exciting plans for the near future with current projects that would enable a mobile initiative to take shape include the construction of a large double axel trailer. He hopes to incorporate the conjoined music skills within the team, with an educational aspect. The mobile programme will be set to accommodate sporting events, promotional events and will also “sweeten the deal" by offering the services of another side of Brett’s business. Super juice Smoothies incorporates the principles of healthy living he shares through educational discussions and presentations. His specialised approach teaches people about correct eating and offers a unique look at the foods we consume. Super juice Smoothies present a vegetarian or vegan burger, and proudly boast a healthy coffee option.

There are very few brands that are able to stand by the product they produce, but Natural Elixir genuinely can.
With exciting plans to expand their range and extend the healing touch of nature through tried and tested products, this down to earth team push into 2022, fuelled by the healing power of Mother Nature herself!