ISSUE 6Cultivating a LegendJani LotteringWhen you find a natural or alternative medicine in a heath store or through an online vendor, it’s hard to tell very much about its origin, how it’s cultivated or what it looks like in its natural habitat.
At Kratom For South Africa, we pride ourselves on Premium Quality. Our products are all 100% Organic and sourced from reliable, ethical vendors that have been growing the Mitragyna speciosa, a tropical evergreen tree indigenous to Thailand and other Southeast Asian territories for aeons. They are incredibly passionate about the healing properties of Kratom and traditional, wild growing practices are strictly adhered to. Most are family businesses that have been operating for multiple generations.
A lot of our customers ask us why Kratom isn’t grown in South Africa or if it’s possible to grow their own Kratom at home, but unfortunately, it’s not as simple as growing Cannabis, which is relatively easy even for novices. Many people have attempted to grow the plant from seed, cuttings, etc and it is technically possible to get it to grow in some tropical climates, but due to its slow growth most run out of patience waiting for the leaves to mature. Large scale cultivation, farming and greenhouse growth has been attempted but is always inconsistent and problematic. This is why the vast majority of the best quality Kratom available worldwide originates in Indonesia, Thailand and a few other Southeast Asian tropics.
What you buy as a package of anonymous green powder is actually the result of a very lengthy cultivation and harvesting process. The Mitragyna speciosa is a slow growing tree and takes many years to reach full maturity.

The strains we source are grown in forests and jungle terrain that’s practically untouched by civilisation and very difficult to navigate. These are not commercial farms or enterprises focused on mass production. The trees all grow wild, and no harmful pesticides or synthetic nutrients are used.

Thanks to the evergreen nature of Kratom, it can be sourced and collected year-round by those who know where to find it. 
The leaves are picked daily and go through a manual sorting process, where the different coloured leaves are separated and cured in different ways. Green and White veined strains are treated differently to Gold and Red strains, which require a longer curing and drying period to enhance their potency.

The dried leaves are then broken down by hand and stripped of their stems and veins. Finally, the plant material is carefully ground into a fine powder and thoroughly sifted to remove any impurities. Some of the less scrupulous Kratom growers don’t follow these guidelines, resulting low quality products that have a crunchy or lumpy consistency due to the lack of proper processing, or from not correctly separating the plant material from the stems and veins.

In an ideal world we could all just grow our own natural medicines in our back yards, but until we reach that utopia it’s always best to purchase any of your natural, plant-based medicines from vendors and suppliers you can trust to provide the safest, highest quality products available. Luckily, we’re just the guys for the job! 
Dedicated to quality, care and education, Kratom South Africa has your back and shoulders, and wherever else you may need it! Kratom – The Natural Choice!