THE JAZZ FARMPhotos: Clarke“What IS The Jazzfarm, what do you do there? Do you play jazz?" This is certainly at the top of the list of questions over the years.
The Jazzfarm is primarily home to Myrtle. And Ami, who lives in Jazzcottage. It is also home away from home for all our friends, members and supporters from far and wide. It is not a public venue as we are allergic to the general public. We do, however, hold invite only events and there are ways and means to get on the list!

When Julian bought the property in the early 90’s it was a sheep and watermelon farm with only the main house and 2 trees!

It was at the end of a long dirt road and, for those of you who know Jo'burg, the first robot was in Bryanston. Lanseria International Airport, a few kms away, was Lanseria Aerodrome where you had to open and close a gate to enter!

Julian and his friend Steve (who was recovering from a marriage disaster and a run in with some dubious substances, as the story goes) lived here with nothing more than a few mattresses and their music gear. Their band was called The Jazzfarmers and that is where the name came from. Julian was a jazz guitarist and master drummer, making music has always been part of our life here.

Once life settled down and it became possible to put down more permanent roots, Jules began planting our garden. His green fingers and love of all plants, birds and animals can be seen in the evolution of our crazy art and rock filled space. When Julian moved here there was not one rock on the property and what you see today is the result of many years of driving all over Southern Africa, collecting rocks and stones – something that became somewhat of an obsession for both Jules and Myrtle.
Myrtle moved here in 2005 and promptly fell in love with the landlord. 
The Jazzfarm has always been a meeting place for like-minded people.
We built our Sweat Lodge in 2006 and that started our evolution as a venue.

After Julian was murdered, the devastation was amplified by a panic at how Myrtle & her team would keep going without our Jules.

Julian and Myrtle always worked really hard to keep the space sustainable. We also outgrew our office so decided to extend our space to include Julian’s workshop. The Alchemy Studio was born and named after all the “alchemy” that went on in that space over the years.

The newly launched Alchemy Studio is a venue that opens up into our garden and is designed for an indoor /outdoor experience, accommodating 24 people comfortably. We like to keep our workshops & events small and sustainable so that participants can feel special and cared for!

The Jazzfarm has an enduring theme around “rainbows”. This started with a trip to Peru in 2008, where Jules and Myrtle were inspired by the many rainbows that grace the skies over the Andes during the rainy season. After that, we would always include rainbows in creative projects around the farm – mosaics, murals, sculptures. We play a little game with visitors to see how many rainbows they can find around the place!
Myrtle finds comfort in the rainbows that are now a major part of the design of The Alchemy Studio. “Keep looking up, there is always a rainbow somewhere!”
Within The Alchemy Studio is Ami’s kitchen.
Ami is Myrtle’s angel and business partner in the Jazzfarm Social Club.

Her company, Wildone Grazing, is going from strength to strength and she now has a beautiful new kitchen to provide delicious and nutritious meals, snacks and an awesome vibe!

Our friends at Bioleaf Technologies, long time and generous supporters of our work, donated a pizza oven and our permaculture garden always hopes to provide as much fresh produce as we can grow.

The Jazzfarm has an air of history about it. Over the years, we have welcomed visitors from all over the world and from all walks of life.

Our memories of Jules are alive and dotted all over the farm.

Our ongoing collaborations with interesting people are reigniting the flames of passion that kept The Jazzfarm fire burning all these years.

We are also evolving into a Museum of Teacher Plants as the space holds so many memories and artefacts from our years of adventures with plants. We have an extensive art collection and a library that is as eclectic as the Jazzfarmers and our visitors. 
Plants, creativity and mindful attention to detail create a space that is both fascinating and inspiring.