Dylan HepburnThere are three main elements that are integral to the existence and growth of all living things, and the quality of these, largely determines the quality of the end product.These elements are, of course, food, water and light.We had huge issues with the transport and storage of soils and lawn dressings that needed to be addressed. This became extremely evident in 2012, when we began manufacturing 100% controlled organic soil.

Using a combination of manure collected from local farms and other sources, a variety of the best worms from our own worm farms, as well as several other organic and natural compounds, we created the much sought after “black gold” that gardeners the world over swear will make even a desert oasis look like the jungles of Africa!

By 2018 our factory began in earnest, and we started refining our various formulations, as we broadened our customer base and exported our products across borders. Based on new technologies, controlled tests, the availability of new materials and feedback from our dedicated retailers and social media community, we now boast a secret formulation, containing a coco-peat mix to reduce the strength of the nutrients, in order to prevent burning, pearlite for aeration, earthworm casings from our farm and the correct natural mix for the soil type and use.
From about 2008 we began researching “green” technologies, products and distributors, and were shocked to find the glaringly obvious lack of quality, diversity and innovation in the gardening sector. While there is much to choose from as far as lighting is concerned, there was a massive need for specialised organic soil-mixes and low volume drip irrigation. As the years passed and our experience, exposure and education enlightened us in all facets of the “organic garden,” this need became a niche that we were determined to fill.

The perfect soil takes plenty of tries to perfect, but no matter how potent your poo, decomposing matter does just that - decomposes.
When we speak in terms of flaura − plant life, we are referring to the quality of the soil, quality and frequency of water available and access to adequate lighting. Without any of these, or indeed low quality, anything you plant will struggle to survive, and you will consequently reap little reward for your horticultural efforts. Fortunately, these are all things that we can easily control, with a little education and the right products in hand, success is just a seed away!
As our passion fuels our progress, we are constantly striving to deliver the best quality natural compost, soil and lawn-dressing solutions for a garden that will make you gasp and deliver results.

As our drive grew, so did our reach.
We now supply a myriad of retailers, both here and across our borders, who are as passionate about the “Green Movement” as we are and stock a wide range of our products and our affiliates’ to bring you affordable, sustainable natural solutions for any type or scale of garden.

Our dedication to the green revolution is evident in our approach to everything we do, we believe that if there is anything we do, it should be to make the world a better place. That is exactly why we were so excited to bring you our new 420 mix in August 2020, and were delighted to discover, though social media feedback, that we manufacture the best 100% organic 420 soil. This makes us the most 420 friendly suppliers of soil on the South African market today!

You wouldn’t believe what goes into producing a completely organic - pesticide and chemical free - manure based, worm fed, nutrient rich, controlled and balanced soil.
The elegance of nature, as she breaks down each element, with help from our technological processes, to give us the exact components required to produce the perfect womb for a living seed. Coupled with our knowledge to form and shape the perfect in/outdoor gardens - through our innovative landscaping know-how and years of experience in all aspects of the task, as well as complementary products, technologies and systems, working harmoniously together to create the perfect conditions to grow your own garden paradise.
Coupled with our knowledge to form and shape the perfect in/outdoor gardens - through our innovative landscaping know-how and years of experience in all aspects of the task, as well as complementary products, technologies and systems, working harmoniously together to create the perfect conditions to grow your own garden paradise.